
Namaste, Blessed Be, Good morning/afternoon/evening/night (covering all bases here)

I am Abi, I am a 25 year old trainee solicitor, yoga teacher in training, pole dancer, Thai boxer avid reader and writer and as a dear friend of mine would say I have a wicked case of the opinions.

Uncertain Tides is where I hope to discuss exactly that, the uncertain tides of life. Or essentially the ramblings of an opinionated mad woman hoping to living more authentically and deliberately.

Uncertain Tides is where I hope to share my own experiences, so expect to find a mash up of lifestyle posts, careers, education, love, loss, my yoga and fitness journey among anything else that pops into mind, and I promise to always be my most authentic and honest self. So buckle in, we are in for a ride together,

Let’s make something together.